Study of Stress Distribution in Maxillary Anterior Region during True Intrusion of Maxillary Incisors using Finite Element Methodology
Vinay Vadvadgi, Sagar S Padmawar, Anup Belludi
Citation Information :
Vadvadgi V, Padmawar SS, Belludi A. Study of Stress Distribution in Maxillary Anterior Region during True Intrusion of Maxillary Incisors using Finite Element Methodology. Int J Experiment Dent Sci 2012; 1 (2):89-92.
One of the major challenges of fixed clinical orthodontics is the correction of deep overbite. Miniscrew implants are ideally suited for absolute intrusion because they make it possible to apply light continuous forces of known magnitudes without producing any reciprocal reactionary effect on posterior teeth. The purpose of this finite element method (FEM) study was to evaluate and compare the stresses generated in maxillary anterior region during absolute en masse intrusion of six maxillary teeth using mini-implants at strategic locations.
Materials and methods
Finite element model was generated using FEM software and on the same model finite element analysis was carried out to study the stress distribution in maxillary anterior region during true incisor intrusion.
Soft bone and hard bone showed significantly high stress distribution in maxillary anterior region.
Stresses on the teeth, soft bone and hard bone, were concentrated more on and near the central incisors as compared to lateral incisors. This was probably because the point of force application was between the central incisors and away from the lateral incisors.
How to cite this article
Padmawar SS, Belludi A, Bhardwaj A, Vadvadgi V, Saini R. Study of Stress Distribution in Maxillary Anterior Region during True Intrusion of Maxillary Incisors using Finite Element Methodology. Int J Experiment Dent Sci 2012;1(2):89-92.
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