Osseodensification-driven Maxillary Sinus Lift along with Sticky Bone Augmentation: A Novel Concept for Dental Implant Placement
Sumit Munjal, Seema Munjal
Citation Information :
Munjal S, Munjal S. Osseodensification-driven Maxillary Sinus Lift along with Sticky Bone Augmentation: A Novel Concept for Dental Implant Placement. Int J Experiment Dent Sci 2021; 10 (1):45-47.
Aim and objective: The purpose is to present a novel technique for normal sinus lift in the upper jaw that is feasible in cases where other approaches are contraindicated. Acknowledging indigenous growth factors and precise osseodensification (OD) significantly reduces biological costs.
Background: The lowest success of implant rehabilitation in the posterior maxilla has made the surgeons ponder on the frequent reduction of alveolar ridge height beneath the sinus. Although the direct sinus lift and osteotomes addressed the issue, the associated risks of parasthesia, perforation, and patient morbidity were a point of concern.
Case description: A 51-year-old male patient's blood was centrifuged emulating a standard protocol. Densah Burs were used to prepare the fixture site on OD principles. Next, the platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) extracted from the spin-off was mixed with the graft NB Dental Morsels, to form a sticky bone. As planned, the 3.75 × 10 mm implant, drove the material under 35 rpm into the final desired osteotomy depth. Upon ensuring a 25-Ncm torque stability, a healing abutment was tightened over it and the flap was sutured finally.
Conclusion: The explicated implant methodology is feasible in a dental setup for its ease and non-invasiveness.
Clinical significance: A relatively new technique demonstrated in our study provides a choice of modality in sinus floor elevation (SFE) in such circumstances.
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