International Journal of Experimental Dental Science

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VOLUME 6 , ISSUE 1 ( January-June, 2017 ) > List of Articles


Comparison of Effectiveness of Two Designs of Interdental Toothbrushes in removing Dental Plaque

Vajira P Jayasinghe, A Tilakaratne, Kathya L Perera

Citation Information : Jayasinghe VP, Tilakaratne A, Perera KL. Comparison of Effectiveness of Two Designs of Interdental Toothbrushes in removing Dental Plaque. Int J Experiment Dent Sci 2017; 6 (1):17-21.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10029-1147

License: CC BY 3.0

Published Online: 01-04-2011

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2017; The Author(s).



To compare the plaque removal ability of two designs of interdental toothbrushes (IDTBs) [“tube-like” IDTB = TT and “conical” IDTB = CT] in the posterior part of the mouth in adult patients.

Materials and methods

The study sample consisted of 107 adult patients who were in the periodontal maintenance phase having completed treatment for “chronic mild–moderate gingivitis.” Each selected patient was subjected to plaque scoring in the posterior sextants. Four sites per tooth were scored after plaque disclosing. The percentage of plaque was calculated. One of the two designs of IDTBs (TT or CT) was randomly assigned for each patient. They were instructed to carry out eight strokes back-and-forth in the relevant interdental spaces, following demonstration of the technique on a model. The interdental surfaces were reexamined for remaining plaque, and the plaque score was taken. The percentage of reduction of plaque after using the IDTB was calculated.


The mean interdental plaque score for the “TT design” group (n = 56) was 82% initially, whereas the same for “CT design” group (n = 51) was 78%, and this difference was not significant statistically. Following use of TT design, the plaque score in this group was reduced to 24%, which is a 71% reduction from the initial plaque score. This reduction was significant statistically (p < 0.004; t-test). The CT design also showed a dramatic reduction (79%) in plaque score following use of this design (p < 0.007; t-test).


Although both designs (CT and TT) were highly effective in posterior interdental spaces, the CT design appeared to be better than TT design in controlling interdental plaque.

How to cite this article

Tilakaratne A, Perera KL, Jayasinghe VP. Comparison of Effectiveness of Two Designs of Interdental Toothbrushes in removing Dental Plaque. Int J Experiment Dent Sci 2017;6(1):17-21.

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