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Garg A, Mehra P, Singh B. Evaluation of Difference in Healing of Gingival Tissue after Frenectomy Done by Laser as Compared to Conventional Surgical Technique: A Case Study. Int J Experiment Dent Sci 2019; 8 (2):38-41.
The frenum is a fold of mucous membrane that attaches the lip and the cheek with the alveolar mucosa, the gingiva, and the underlying periosteum. The labial frenum may jeopardize the gingival health when it impedes oral hygiene, or when it is attached too closely to the gingival margin, thus, resulting in the formation of diastema between anterior teeth and/or traction of the attached gingiva. The management of such an aberrant frenum can be accomplished by performing a frenectomy procedure using different techniques with different outcomes of healing. Here, in the present study, healing after frenectomy performed using a laser has been compared to healing after frenectomy done using conventional surgical technique.
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