International Journal of Experimental Dental Science

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2018 | January-June | Volume 7 | Issue 1

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Akash Verma, Harikesh Rao

Effect of Probiotics on Candidal Adherence on Different Denture Base Resins in Maxillofacial Patients

[Year:2018] [Month:January-June] [Volume:7] [Number:1] [Pages:7] [Pages No:1 - 7]

Keywords: Acralyn-H, Candida albicans, Candidal adherence, Dental Products of India, Heat cure denture base resin, Probiotic, Pyrax, Yakult

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10029-1166  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


The study was undertaken with the objective of evaluating the effect of probiotics on Candidal adherence on different heat cure denture base materials in maxillofacial patients. After Acralyn-H, Pyrax heat cure denture base resin showed less adherence to heat followed by Dental Products of India (DPI) heat cure denture base resin. Candidal cell count was significantly reduced on different heat cure denture base materials after giving probiotics to maxillofacial patients. The heat cure polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) specimens were fabricated respectively, 60 samples in total, 30 samples before giving probiotics, and 30 samples after giving probiotics. The adherence of yeast on the tissue surface of the specimens was given prime consideration as the adherence is seen more on the rough surface topographies. The samples were inoculated with Candida albicans at 37°C for 24 hours and incubated for 48 hours followed by examination of the yeast cells using light microscopy. The Candidal cell count on different specimens was compared before and after giving probiotics.



Karibasappa Nagappa, Vardhaman Jain, Gaurao Mali, Digesh Bafiwala, Jasvender Kour

Effect of Microwave Sterilization on Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs Probe Ball Dimension: An Analytical Study

[Year:2018] [Month:January-June] [Volume:7] [Number:1] [Pages:5] [Pages No:8 - 12]

Keywords: Ball end dimension, Community periodontal index probe, Micrometer, Microwave sterilization

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10029-1167  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Introduction: The heart of science is measurement. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended community periodontal index (CPI) probe to accurately measure the periodontal pocket depth. Repeatedly sterilizing the instrument brings undesirable changes in the material properties, such as alteration in dimensions, and hardness contributing to improper validity. The CPI probe with 0.5 mm ball end is ideal to measure the exact periodontal pocket depth. Aims and objectives: To assess the changes in the dimension of CPI probe ball end at different cycles of microwave sterilization. To assess and compare the horizontal and vertical dimension of Hu-Friedy PCP11 and GDC PCP11 CPI probes ball end. Materials and methods: The study was carried at the School of Engineering and Technology, Pune, India. Each community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITN) probe underwent 100 cycles of microwave sterilization, 1350 W, and 2450 MHz for 16 minutes. After each cycle, the CPI ball dimensions were recorded using manual micrometer and magnifying glass. Unpaired t test was used for statistical analysis. Results: After 100 cycles of sterilization, circumferential ball dimension of Hu-Friedy measured 0.034 ± 0.02 and GDC measured 0.219 ± 0.028 and the difference was statistically highly significant p < 0.001. Conclusion: Hu-Friedy CPITN probe exhibited better ball dimensional stability and was more valid. Dimensional stability after sterilization procedures is highly relevant for biosafety.



Yuri Rodriguez, Frank Mayta-Tovalino

Eucalyptol, Orange Oil, and Xilodent Solubility on Three Endodontic Sealants: An in vitro Study

[Year:2018] [Month:January-June] [Volume:7] [Number:1] [Pages:5] [Pages No:13 - 17]

Keywords: Dissolvent effect, Immersion time, Sealer cement

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10029-1168  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Aim: To compare the in vitro solubility of eucalyptol, orange oil, and xilodent on three endodontic sealers based on their commercial brand and immersion time. Materials and methods: A total of 240 samples of endodontic sealants were prepared, 80 from each group: I (EndoFill®), II (EndoSeal™), and III (Sealer 26®), and then they were divided into groups of 20 based on the type of solvent, eucalyptol, orange oil, xilodent, and sodium chloride (control group), which were immersed for periods of 5 and 10 minutes; the sample was calculated through the comparison of the means. Each specimen was weighted with an analytical bascule (Ohaus, USA) before and after each immersion. Results: Comparisons were made on each group through the Student's t test. Eucalyptol revealed a higher dissolving effect in EndoSeal™ followed by orange oil, and for xilodent at both immersion periods. It was found that there was only a statistically significant difference in the group eucalyptol-EndoSeal™ in the period of immersion of 5 minutes with p = 0.033; none of the three dissolvents had the capacity of dissolving the Sealer 26® during the different immersion periods. Conclusion: The eucalyptol, orange oil, and xilodent can be used for deobturation of EndoFill® and EndoSeal™ with variations on the specified times established by the manufacturer; however, the Sealer 26® was not soluble in the tested solvents.



Yegane Guven, Sule Batu, Sevgi Turan, Emine Karsli

Dental Students’ Perception of Competencies related to Biomedical Sciences in the Dental Curriculum

[Year:2018] [Month:January-June] [Volume:7] [Number:1] [Pages:5] [Pages No:18 - 22]

Keywords: Biomedical sciences, Competency, Dentistry, Descriptive research, Students’ evaluation

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10029-1169  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Aim: A dentist should be empowered to have knowledge of basic biological, medical, technical, and clinical sciences to distinguish the difference between normal and pathological conditions. The aim of this study was to describe the perception of dental students about competencies related to biomedical sciences in dental curriculum. Materials and methods: A 26-question questionnaire was administered to fifth-year students who were the first group to complete the new integrated dental curriculum, to measure the extent to which the students had competences with biomedical science information, which were classified as “have knowledge,” “have competence,” and “have familiarity” according to the Profile and competences for the graduating European Dentist—update, 2009. A Likert-type 5-point scale was used (1 = not much, 5 = a great deal) to evaluate the answers. The opinion of the students about qualification of education was also assessed with six questions. Results: Fourteen questions related to “have knowledge” (Q1–17) of biomedical science subjects were rated somewhat, two rated them much, and one scored somewhat and much as equal on the Likert scale. Four questions related to “have competence” (Q18–24) were rated much, and three were rated somewhat. Students rated “have familiarity” with “pharmacology in general medicine” and “awareness of environmental issues relevant to dental biomaterials’ use” (Q 25, 26) as somewhat. Most of the students approved of integrated education (60.7%). Conclusion: While planning and developing the curriculum aims to meet the practical needs of your future dentist, the importance of training based on competence should be taken into consideration.



Nilsun Bagis, Basak Boduroglu, Cem A Gurgan, Hamit S Bostanci

Effect of Antibiotic Prophylaxis on Serum C-reactive Protein Level Immediately following Periodontal Treatment: An Experimental Clinical Study

[Year:2018] [Month:January-June] [Volume:7] [Number:1] [Pages:7] [Pages No:23 - 29]

Keywords: Antibiotic prophylaxis, C-reactive protein, Periodontal treatment

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10029-1170  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Introduction: The immediate rise in serum C-reactive protein (CRP) levels associated with the delivery of the subgingival instrumentation and the associated bacteremia and tissue damage was shown shortly after periodontal treatment was delivered. However, the additive effect of the protection against bacteremia on immediate alterations in CRP levels has not been evaluated. The aim of this study was to determine the immediate effect of single session of nonsurgical periodontal treatment with or without antibiotic prophylaxis on serum levels of CRP. Materials and methods: Forty systemically healthy subjects with chronic periodontitis were randomly assigned to two groups. Clinical periodontal parameters and smoking status were recorded. Serum CRP levels were determined using nephelometric method at baseline and 1, 3, and 7 days after treatment. Results: Except for the difference between baseline and day 7, there were significant differences (p < 0.001) in CRP levels between the evaluation days in both groups. However, the differences between the groups for the alterations were not significant. Conclusion: In agreement with previous observations, periodontitis and traumatic effect of periodontal treatment seem to contribute to systemic inflammation detected by the presence of immediate rise in the CRP level. Additional administration of prophylactic antibiotic did not alter this immediate systemic response.



Dhanushka L Bandara, JA Vajira P Jayasinghe

Prosthetic Rehabilitation of an Acquired Maxillary Defect in a Patient with a Compromised Dentition

[Year:2018] [Month:January-June] [Volume:7] [Number:1] [Pages:5] [Pages No:30 - 34]

Keywords: Case report, Maxillary acquired defect, Maxillary hollow bulb obturator, Prosthetic rehabilitation

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10029-1171  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Background: The goal of prosthodontic rehabilitation entitles preservation of the remaining dentition and a long-term maintenance care, thus ensuring the stability of the dentition and the prosthesis. This becomes crucial in a patient with maxillary acquired defects where the social, behavioral, and the functional changes are involved. Status of the remaining dentition, the size, and extent of the lesion will mainly determine the overall prosthetic treatment plan. Aim: This study aims to elaborate the importance of meticulous treatment planning in the prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient who presented with a maxillary acquired defect. Case report: This clinical report describes the management of a patient with maxillary defect, where the remaining dentition has become further compromised due to inadequate maintenance care, thus resulting in a challenge in the prosthetic rehabilitation. Conclusion: Rehabilitation of an acquired maxillary defect with a compromised dentition, using definitive closed hollow bulb obturator, took care of the different domains of care, giving an improved quality of life to the patient. Clinical significance: Careful treatment planning with an aim to preserve the existing dentition and provide adequate maintenance care is essential for a successful outcome in the prosthetic management of patients with maxillary acquired defects.



Mohinder Panwar, Jacqueline J Dias

Management of Oral Manifestations in a Case of Cushing's Habitus

[Year:2018] [Month:January-June] [Volume:7] [Number:1] [Pages:4] [Pages No:35 - 38]

Keywords: Cushing's habitus, Immunomodulator, Recurrent oral ulcers, Thalidomide

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10029-1172  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Background: Cushing's syndrome is a debilitating endocrine disorder comprising signs and symptoms due to prolonged exposure to cortisol. It is characterized by excessive cortisol levels in the blood, which may be the result of various causes, such as tumors of pituitary glands, tumors arising elsewhere in the body (ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone-producing tumors), or exogenous causes, such as prolonged intake of steroids (known as Cushing's habitus). Aim: This article is a case report on the management of a patient with Cushing's habitus, presenting with recurrent oral ulcers as one of the manifestations. Case report: A 25-year-old patient diagnosed with Cushing's habitus came to the department with complaint of recurrent ulcers on the tongue and lips since 6 months. These ulcers were unresponsive toward conventional therapies, such as amlexanox and steroids. Conclusion: Due to the unique history presented by the patient and the persistence of recalcitrant ulcers, an immunomodulator was prescribed. This drug prevented the recurrence of the oral ulcers. Clinical significance: Various manifestations of Cushing's disease include metabolic, cardiovascular, and endocrinal abnormalities, to mention a few. Prevalence of dental manifestations is rare, oral ulcers being among the few. These oral ulcers require special consideration since the underlying pathogenesis of the ulcers is very different. This article describes the management of such ulcers in Cushing's habitus using an immunomodulator.



Nilsun Bagis, Rahme Barbaros, Hasan Yildiz

Application of Botulinum Toxin Injection in Symmetric and Asymmetric Gummy Smile Cases

[Year:2018] [Month:January-June] [Volume:7] [Number:1] [Pages:4] [Pages No:39 - 42]

Keywords: Asymmetric smile, Botulinum toxin, Gummy smile, Nonsurgical smile design

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10029-1173  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Gummy and asymmetric smile was affecting patients’ selfconfidence and life standards. Immediate, nonsurgical botox applications delivered painless and rapid solution to the patients. It has been shown that botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) injection, which is used in correcting excessive gingival display caused by hyperactive upper lip elevator muscles, is quite effective in gummy and asymmetric smile cases. The patients were reasonably satisfied with the outcomes of the treatment. In spite of the transient effect of BTX-A, even after 6 months of treatment, it was revealed that the gummy and asymmetric smile was within normal limits and did not fully return. For this reason, depending on the needs of the patient, BTX-A injection can be used as an alternative procedure for faster and minimally invasive treatment of gummy and asymmetric smile cases. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of conservative treatments like BTX injections in asymmetric and gummy smile cases.


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